East Coast Mosquito Catamaran Association

The East Coast Mosquito Catamaran Association covers Queensland and New South Wales and is part of the Australian Mosquito Catamaran community.


 Mossie day out SEQ style

Queensland mosquito sailors training day held at Wivenhoe dam last Saturday 27/6/2015.
In attendance were.
Alan ,Dave and Brett. This saw a day in winter of 5 to 8 knots of about 23 degrees and fine sky’s. 
We started off the day with comparing different sails from different manufacturer’s which has proved that there are a fair bit of different types and shapes.
Once that was done we processed if rig and control set up.
Now under way on the water we were concentrating on up wind sailing techniques.
Dave had the opportunity to try an Irwin sail which was lent to us by Drew which was very much appreciated by all. 
By noticing the difference in boat performance in the up wind on Dave’s boat was remarkable and I think there maybe some more new Irwin sails on their way to Queensland.


Once we finished with the up wind techniques we started on downwind. With 5 to 8 knots it was perfect conditions with downwind flying hulls for minutes. With a remarkable improvements from Alan which is great to see.
A special mentiont to dave for showing us the correct techniques for righting a boat from the turtle position. 
Great day sailing had by all
Brett 1831