The following documents are available in PDF format for viewing and downloading.

Logos and Stickers

Fonts images and tips for creating Mosquito stickers or logo images.

“Mozzie with Sting”

A 1982 promotional description of the Mosquito Catamaran written by Jim Boyer.

Mosquito Boat History (PDF) – June 2024

A list of all known Mosquitos, their current and previous owners and locations.

The boat history sorted by Family Name – August 2020

NMCCA Constitution

The constitution of the National Mosquito Catamaran Council of Australia, amended 2006 and 2014.

Building Rules & Restrictions – 2023

The building rules and restrictions that apply to the Mosquito class.
Updated Jan 2023 with changes that were accepted at the AGM held 3 Jan 2023.

The history of changes to the Building Rules and Restrictions is now a separate document which can be viewed or downloaded here.

Measurement templates

Downloadable .dwg .dxf and .jpg versions of all the class measurement templates.

Construction plans

Plans include all the information required to build your own boat at home. A new sail number is also included.
$85 for association members or $110 for non members.
$5 extra if postage is required.
New sail number without plans is $25

Contact Phillip Warren-Smith on 03 9898 6107 or

Measured boat register

Register of issued Measurement Certificates.

Measurement Form

Proforma used to measure boats.

2023-24 AGM minutes

Meningie SC, SA, January 2024

2022-23 AGM minutes

Gippsland Lakes YC, VIC, January 2023

2021-22 AGM minutes

Victor Harbour SC, SA January 2022

2019-20 AGM minutes

Adelaide SC, SA, January 2020

2018-19 AGM minutes

Mordialloc SC, VIC, January 2019

2017-18 AGM minutes

Boreen Pt, QLD, January 2018

2016-17 AGM minutes

Port Vincent SA, December 2016

2015-16 AGM minutes

Rye VIC, December 2015

2014-15 AGM minutes

Speers Point NSW, January 2015

Special General Meeting minutes

West Beach SA, March 2014

2013-14 AGM minutes

Meningie SA, January 2014

2012-13 AGM minutes

Paynesville VIC, January 2013

2011-12 AGM minutes

Rivolli Bay SA, January 2012

2010-11 AGM minutes

Portarlington Vic, 4 January 2011

2009-10 AGM minutes

Mannering Park NSW, 1 January 2010

2008-09 AGM minutes

Wallaroo SA, 13 January 2009

2007-08 AGM minutes

Warrnambool Vic, 9 January 2008

2006-07 AGM minutes

Christies Beach SA, 3 January 2007

2005-06 AGM minutes

Loch Sport Vic, 3 January 2006

2004-05 AGM minutes

Meningie SA, 5 January 2005

2003-04 AGM minutes

Rosebud Vic, 30 December 2003

2002-03 AGM minutes

Lake Munmorah NSW, 9 January 2003

2001-02 AGM minutes

Adelaide SC SA, 9 January 2002

2000-01 AGM minutes

Southend SA, 9 January 2001

1999-00 AGM minutes

Paynesville Vic, 11 January 2000

BRR changes to Timber Mosquito Catamaran

A 1990 submisions to class members to ‘de-restrict’ the construction of the timber Mosquito. Special General Meeting chaired by past NTO Peter Hallsworth.

The Big Rig Debates

(follow the sub-heading links below)

Document 1, 1987: An engineer’s examination of and response to the proposed changes to the mosquito rig and sails.

Document 2, 1987: The expression of concern by a renowned boat builder.

Document 3, 2001: Two items addressing the second discussion for increasing the rig size.